George Harris

How do you see yourself?

It's a difficult question to answer truthfully because we have an image of ourselves of who we want to be in our mind. We can't really see ourselves as others see us.

I'm sure if you are a student, employee of a company or just a person in general that must be around others then you've faced situations in which groups of people at times have made you a little self conscious about your appearance and your mannerism. Maybe you've been ridiculed because of something that you do or wear that isn't seen as normal that makes you an individual.

I've always heard it said the way we feel about ourselves will show in the way we are to the world around us, but is that the truth? We live in a society in which it seems to be filled with actors and actresses all around us that put on their show so they can appear to be content with who they are in our eyes. It's not until we really get to know the people do we find there is something they want to be that they aren't, perhaps out of fear.

I begin to think that I too "put on an act" in order to be accepted from those I come in contact with, but is it really who I am? Maybe we've perform the act so much that we type cast ourselves into the image that others see us as and it becomes who we are. Does that really make us who we are?

Without the use of a mirror have you really seen yourself as who you are and not as the person you want to be? Do you live your life "acting" so that others will find you to be a person to accept? Are you happy with yourself even if it means you must put on an act sometimes? Is this discussion to deep and you rather not get involved?


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