George Harris

I wish to share it with all of you.

I read an article on this subject. I wish to share it with all of you. The author has narrated how this intention creation has worked for her. Her mother had a stroke, leaving her one side paralyzed unable to speak, move and partially blind. The doctors said there was no hope. She had read and had participated in workshops on intention creation so she wanted to try it out. This is what she did, she had an intention-a visual-of her mother walking around at home, nagging her to eat and clean her room as she always did. She just did that once and let the thought go. She just looked after her mother, on the 10th day her mother was able to speak fairly well and within 3 months her vision was back to normal. That was great. I did try this out it worked for me. Why don’t you try it and let me know the feed back. Since I benefited I wanted everyone else also to feel the great power of intention creation.


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